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Clubs & Organizations

Name of Club or Organization

Brief Description of Mission or Purpose

Brief Description of Past or Planned Activities

Kiwanis Kids (K-Kids)

K KIDS is a service organization sponsored by Marietta Kiwanis. Our purpose is to develop leadership skills of our students and to improve our community through service.

School based and community service projects

Girls on the Run

Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grade participate in an after-school program. Designed to allow every girl to recognize her inner strength, the Girls on the Run curriculum inspires girls to define their lives on their own terms.

The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development.

Cheer Team

The SRE Cheer Team consists of 2/3rd and 4/5th grade students whose mission is to represent the school with a spirit of support for all students, staff and the stakeholders of the Starfish community.

The SRE Cheer students are enthusiastic, dynamic, fun, and hard working.

Safety Patrol

Students demonstrate responsibility and model positive behaviors as they are stationed at various posts throughout the campus to assist with smooth student traffic flow and monitoring of student behavior.

Students patrol designated areas on campus.

Flag Ambassadors

Flag Patrol is an opportunity for students to take part in raising and lowering the US and GA flags each school day.Flag patrol members raise and lower the flags every day.

Cub Scouts Pack 840

Provides an opportunity for students (boys and girls) to strengthen character, gain personal fitness and embrace good citizenship through structured STEM-based lessons and activities. Pack 840 meet after school.Cub Scout Pack 840 offers students in first through fifth grades responsible fun and ample opportunities for adventure.

Girl Scout Troop 10726

Girl Scouts - a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects. Troup 10726 meet here at Sawyer Road Elementary. Usually meets twice a month from 5-6:30 pm.

Troop 10726 activities are led by girls themselves, feature cooperative learning, and highlight learning by doing.

School Store

Promotes collaboration skills and knowledge. Student- run.

Real world experiences to develop academic and social skills, including activities like running a small school store.

Media Club

Students will explore various technologies and media to apply to real-world projectsReal world media projects as suggested from students using an inquiry approach

IB Exhibition Teams

Research teams will work on their PYP ExhibitionFifth Grade PYP Exhibition

Green Team Environmental Club

Students learn about environmental issues related to recyclingLead recycling projects throughout the school

Singing Starfish

Chorus members prepare for performancesPTA performances, Christmas performance on the Marietta Square.

Art Club

Students are given extension activities in artArt show on the Marietta Square

P.E. Club

Students participate in extra PE activitiesParticipate in team building games.

Science Clubs

Students use the scientific method to perform experimentsSawyer Road Science Fair, Units of Inquiry extensions, Nature Trail planning and leadership

Oceaneer Theater Clubs

Students do readers theater and prepare for performancesStudents will prepare for and perform plays/musicals.

IB Ambassadors

Students will give input and provide education about the IB PYP for students, parents, and visitorsServe as docents at IB activities and daily around the school.

Reading Bowl

Students read and prepare for the annual competition.Participate in the district wide and regional reading bowls

Spanish Clubs

Students will explore the Spanish culture and language.Dance performances, community service projects. Develop additional literacy skills