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Parent Information Center

Welcome to Sawyer Road Elementary!

My name is Maj Bassery, and I’m the School Parent Liaison. As a Parent Liaison, my goal is to improve communication between school and home by helping parents get the information, help, and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success in school. I’ll be sending home letters, flyers, phone calls, and emails regarding school activities, volunteer opportunities, events, meetings, and important school information. Also, our Parent Resource Table located outside the office has great information. The flyers and pamphlets are there for you to take. 

There are many ways to be involved at SRE and we can always use the help. Research shows that how well a child does in school depends greatly on how much their parents get involved in their child’s education. Parents can influence the success of their child in school more than any teacher or federal program. By becoming an active participant at our school, you will serve as a role model, showing your child that you support his/her education.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities include:

  • Field trip chaperones
  • Shelving books in the Media Center (Training needed)
  • Scholastic Book fair
  • Copying/sorting flyers
  • Classroom help and volunteering for school events
  • Stuffing Thursday Star Report Folders
  • and helping at PTA meetings.

If you have any interest in volunteering or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can find me in the front office, Monday – Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm. I'm looking forward to working with each of you to make this school year a success.

Maj Bassery, Parent Liaison
770-429-9923 x6275


Parent Resources

SR Student Handbook 2023-24
Parent and Student Handbook
Sawyer Road Right to Know Parent Letter 2023
First page of the PDF file: SawyerRoadRighttoKnow2023

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE)

The Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success. For more information go to:

K-5 English Language Arts

K-5 Mathematic Standards

K-5 Science Standards

K-5 Social Studies Standards